Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sweet Treats

The best part of traveling around the country is eating a variety of food including deserts that are special to a city or state! 
Image result for cafe du monde

  1. Beignets: are classic food unique to New Orleans that can only be eaten at Cafe Du Monde. Beignets are hot doughnuts covered in powder sugar and were a delicious snack and are definitely worth it!
  2. Voodoo Doughnuts: our staff surprised us with some Voodoo doughnuts in Portland for dessert! Voodoo doughnuts aren't just regular doughnuts, but are covered with unique toppings like M&Ms, Captain Crunch Berries, Fruit Loops, and Oreo's. The doughnut with the Captain Crunch Berries was surprisingly good! I wish I got more than a half! (Note: There is a Voodoo doughnut store inside Universal Studios if you want to try them!)  
  3. Image result for voodoo donuts captain crunch
    A Voodoo doughnut with Captain Crunch Pieces.
    LA Kosher Pizza: LA had the best Kosher Pizza I have ever had! (New York's Kosher pizza is probably good as well.) If you keep Kosher, I totally recommend going to LA just for the pizza! (Because this was a Conservative Jewish trip we had to keep Kosher. Kosher just means eating food that has a certain symbol on it.) It was the first pizza and so called real food I ate in almost 3 weeks and was delicious. (Most of our dinners were catered. We ate cereal for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch.) 
  4. Diddy Riese: is an ice cream shop similar to the Bake Bear here and was in LA. I believe I got 2 cookies with M&Ms and I don't remember what flavor of ice cream. It was special because our whole bus was treated to ice cream! All I remember was that it was very messy.

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Throughout my trip, I took photos at museums, National Parks, landmarks, etc. we visited along the way! I want to share with you some of my...